Great Ideas Are Everywhere

I am always flattered when someone asks where I get my ideas. It makes me feel like I might have some special idea-generating gift. I don’t even mind when the question is followed up with, “You seem so nice and well-adjusted.”

But great ideas are everywhere.

Take this stairwell for example. This is located on my very safe and attractive campus, but no one I know has ever ventured down it.

Ask any passerby.

“What’s down there?”

“Duh. The back door to the auditorium.”

"What is the black stain running down the stairs and into an unmarked drain?"


“If I give you five dollars, will you go down there?”

“No! What am I supposed to do about the minotaur?”

That’s an idea.

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    Karelia Stetz-Waters

    Author of Crime Thrillers and Literary Fiction


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